
Friday, 23 September 2011

The Giant weta

The New Zealand Giant Weta

By Alex Eliu

Some of the New Zealand giant wetas live in Waikato, New Zealand.

Wetas have big strong legs to protect them from predators. They also have spikes on their legs.
Did you know there are 11 different species of wetas?
Wetas can grow up to 10 centimeters long.
One of the main threats for the New Zealand giant weta is fire because if it burns down the gorse flowers they will have nothing to eat and it can burn down the Wetas’ habitat. A rat is a predator to the giant Weta because it can’t defend itself because a rat is bigger then the giant weta. Dogs, wild animals and wild cats are predators to the wetas.
The giant weta likes to eat gorse flowers.
The Giant Weta is non-aggressive.
The Giant Weta is the most interesting weta because it is very big.It was interesting studying about the giant weta.

Thursday, 8 September 2011


Today In room 7 we had new teacher in our class his name was Mr Robert. Mr Robert is South African. We were finishing off our NZ maths when Mr Robert walked in. Then we did spelling every word we did had to end with ies. Here's the proof.      
fairy  fairies   
ferries  ferry
dairies dairy
berries berry
tries  try
rally rallies
filly fillies
ally allies
patty patties
baby babies
goody goodies
gully gullies
enemy enemies
raspberry raspberries
cherry cherries
jetty jetties
penny pennies
family families
poppy poppies
navy navies
pixy pixies
bunny bunnies  
mummy mummies
story stories
lobby lobbies
hobby hobbies
bully bullies
folly follies

Friday, 2 September 2011

Auckland Zoo

On Thursday 1st of September Glenbrae school students, staff and parents went to Auckland Zoo to study about animals. Kato, Austin, June and I were in the same group. Kato’s mum was supervising us as we went around the zoo.

First we went to see the zebras, emus and giraffes. Well, I was scared of the giraffes because I thought the giraffe was going to lift me up with it’s mouth, Luckily it never happened.

When we moved to see the emu I was thinking, "That's not an emu, its a Moa."
I was wrong I just remembered moa is extinct. After that we went to see the rhinos. On the way there I saw chickens and roosters. It was funny because when I was walking a rooster just jumped out of the bush and I got a fright.

When we walked past the lions I saw a male lion sleeping behind the tree.

While the group was looking at the flamingos I was having a rest. I was so tired I nearly fell asleep.  Once I saw them moving to see the elephants. I ran as fast as I can and caught up to them.